NOBODY expects to have a problem with data loss.
Electronic Data is a CRITICAL Asset of most businesses!
Many businesses NEVER RECOVER from an event in which critical data is lost.
FACT: 50% NEVER reopen after a critical data loss

FACT: 90% are out of business within 2 years

FACT: On average, Loss of data costs 19 days productivity, & $17,000 - source: ICSA
• Average failure rate of hard drives - 100% - given time!
• Over 319,000 laptops stolen during travel each year.
• Over 1,000,000 PC’s stolen from offices (Do you know your Cleaning Crews?)
• Employee Vandalism – Erases data intentionally.
• Employee Error – Erases data by mistake.
• Damage by Fire or Flood or Lightning to Office Building.
Why Don’t We Back Up Properly ?
• We’re too busy with our business.
• Our current backup system is not functioning.
• We don’t remember to do it.
• We assume that someone else is doing it.
• We think it’s too expensive to buy the equipment.
• We think its too complicated to set up.
Call us today and learn how easy and cost effective it is to keep your data safe!
Don't risk another day with the chance of losing your critical data!
(727) 541-2951
A member of the Computer Troubleshooters franchise network
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